Personalized videos featuring your favorite DRAG QUEENS
Your own personalized video from Harley K Winn
Hi Puddins!
Let me take you back to June 2020. Why? Because that`s when Harley was born. Lockdown was on, the shop I work in was closed.. and I got bored.
So I decided to upgrade my cosplay (I did a genderbend Harley Quinn, hence my name) and started doing drag.
I love creating looks on movie characters. I have several Harley Quinn based looks, but also looks based on Storm (XMen) Cruella Deville and more to come and ofcourse my own creations.
As soon as it`s allowed you can see me in the Drag Dinnershow Rotterdam and hopefully other stages throughout the land.
I`d be honoured to do personalised video for you.
Video mogelijk in de volgende talen:

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Hi Puddins!
Let me take you back to June 2020. Why? Because that`s when Harley was born. Lockdown was on, the shop I work in was closed.. and I got bored.
So I decided to upgrade my cosplay (I did a genderbend Harley Quinn, hence my name) and started doing drag.
I love creating looks on movie characters. I have several Harley Quinn based looks, but also looks based on Storm (XMen) Cruella Deville and more to come and ofcourse my own creations.
As soon as it`s allowed you can see me in the Drag Dinnershow Rotterdam and hopefully other stages throughout the land.
I`d be honoured to do personalised video for you.
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